What does a tune up consist of?
The tasks involved in a tune-up depend on the age of the vehicle. A traditional tune-up consists of several time-consuming inspections and mechanical adjustments to engine parts such as the carburetor. This style of tune-up applies to vehicles made decades ago. Today, most engine parts are controlled and monitored electronically, leaving little to manually adjust besides the spark plugs. And as technology has evolved, so has the meaning of “tune-up.”
At Midas, a typical tune-up on a more modern vehicle includes the following inspections and services:
- Install new spark plugs
- Check filters & fluids
- Check timing chain (newer vehicles) or timing belt (older vintage)
- Check battery
- Midas Closer Look Vehicle Check™1
And what if your vehicle is more vintage? We’re just as happy to tune up your carburetor, ignition points, distributor (and cap, rotor, and spark plug wires), timing belt, and fuel filter.
How often to get an engine tune-up depends on your vehicle and driving conditions -- older vehicles are often tuned up every 10,000-12,000 miles or every 2 years. Modern vehicles with electronic engines and fuel injection have a wide variety of tune-up intervals, some as high as 100,000 miles. Check your vehicle owner’s manual to learn the tune-up schedule for your make and model.
- Midas Closer Look Vehicle Check™ includes visual checks of brakes, battery, air filter, fluids, belts, and hoses. ↩