Over time, heating and A/C systems can naturally deteriorate, leading to clogged hose pipes that may leak if not properly serviced. This can result in decreased efficiency in both heating and cooling functions for your vehicle. Regular maintenance is essential to ensuring your AC system operates at its optimal performance level. Your Midas at 817 Arsenal Street, Watertown, NY 13601 offers precision A/C and heating maintenance and repair. Call now at 315-221-9247 or book an appointment online.
If the air smells damp, musty, or like mildew and mold
If your cabin doesn't warm up in cold weather or is only marginally warmer than the outside temperature
If the defroster takes longer than usual to work or doesn't work at all
If your heater or A/C works only while driving, not when idling, or stops blowing when the car is stationary
If your heating system blows cold air, or the air conditioning blows warm air
If there is weak airflow even at the highest fan setting
If your climate control system has a refrigerant leak, Midas Arsenal Street can diagnose and repair the leak. Afterwards, they can evacuate and recharge the system, then test the air coming from your vents to guarantee it cools your cabin according to the vehicle manufacturer's standards.
Signs your Car’s A/C system needs to be recharged
It might be necessary to recharge your vehicle's air conditioner if:
Your cabin no longer cools as effectively as before - If you find yourself frequently adjusting the target temperature to cooler settings or increasing the fan speed (without a rise in external temperature), your refrigerant levels might be low.
You notice refrigerant leaks beneath your vehicle - These leaks appear as greasy, filmy substances and indicate a leakage issue.
Your AC clutch doesn't engage when you turn on the air conditioner - This could be due to a broken clutch switch or insufficient refrigerant levels, preventing the necessary pressure for activating your A/C.
Having your heat stop working in the middle of winter can turn into a downright miserable and uncomfortable experience. The skilled professionals at Midas in Watertown can identify the problems with your heating system and conduct the necessary car heating repairs to restore it to optimal working condition.
What are the signs of a bad heater core?
The heater core, resembling a small radiator, is typically positioned behind your dashboard vents. Coolant enters this device, absorbs heat, and exits to warm the air blown into your cabin. Recognizing the following signs indicates that your vehicle’s heater core might require attention:
Heater Blows Cold Air: A damaged or punctured heater core hampers heat transfer, leading to cold air blowing from your vent.
Cabin Fogging Up After Warming Up: A malfunctioning heater core keeps the coolant cold. When warm air from the cabin meets this cold coolant, condensation forms on your windows, causing fogging.
Unusual Sweet or Bitter Smell: Leaking heater core emits a distinct fruity or bitter coolant odor inside or outside the vehicle. This could also be a sign of a radiator leak.
Dropping Coolant Level: A decrease in coolant level points to a potential leak in the heater core or radiator. It's a warning sign of overheating risk.
Vehicle Overheating: A blocked heater core can cause your engine to overheat, leading to potential breakdowns on the road.
Midas is located at 817 Arsenal Street. Our experienced technicians proudly provide automotive A/C & heating services to the Town Center - Noseville, Black River, Watertown East, Watertown Northeast, Watertown North sections of Watertown.